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Classes in the use of the longsword are instructed by Bor Jaspers.

Bor has been studying the treatises of Ps-Danzig and Ringeck for several years, which are manuals on the usage of the longsword.

Aside from this, Bor is also active in the study and usage of the military sabre.


Max Albertz

Classes in the use of the rapier are instructed by Max Albertz.


Max has been studying the art of the Italian rapier for several years now, focusing on the curriculum written by the 17th-century fencing master Nicoletto Giganti. Aside from that, he also studies the treatises from other Italian fencing masters such as Camillo Agrippa, Ridolfo Capoferro, and Salvatore Fabris, and studies the sidesword according to Achille Marozzo.


Chief instructors

Bor Jaspers

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