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'HEMA' is an acronym meaning Historical European Martial Arts.


It is an umbrella term for all martial arts, martial sports, and fencing techniques with a historical character that were developed in Europe throughout the ages. With the help of old manuscripts and treatises from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, people all around the world have been able to reconstruct these arts which are now practiced globally.


Due to the diversity and wide array of weapons of which manuscripts and treatises have survived through the ages, HEMA offers something for almost everyone. Besides the most commonly studied weapons within HEMA, the longsword and the rapier respectively, many other weapons such as sabres, daggers, messers, spears, warhammers, smallswords, and a whole selection of polearms are studied as well.


Many of these disciplines also contain multiple teachings from different master swordfighters which makes HEMA a very layered art with unique styles. Many of these styles originated in the areas comprising modern-day Germany and Italy, but also Spain, France, England, and the Low Countries. 

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