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Why join our club?

As a member of Historisch Schermgilde Limburg, you will be part of an inclusive and diverse group of likeminded people who come together to practice a beautiful historical martial art and help grow each others' skills. We want to raise you to the level where you can easily study the historical sources and formulate your own interpretations of the historical European martial arts.


But our club is much more than just weekly classes! With a variety of outings, workshops, and (internal) events, we are also a close-knit community where there is room for everyone and all are treated with mutual respect. We provide the space and opportunities to get to know each other better and socialise with your fellow club members.


Aside from that, being a member will also grant you the following perks:


  • You will get a say in which direction our club will go during our annual general meeting.

  • In extreme cases, you will be additionally covered by our insurance against injuries sustained during our classes and events.

  • You will get access to tournaments and events organised by the Dutch HEMA federation.

  • You will be able to make use of our broad network of information, recommendations, and contacts which we have developed and maintained since our establishment in 2016.

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